Category: Uncategorized

  • A Recap of Speak City Heights Over The Years

    A Recap of Speak City Heights Over The Years

    A big thank you to KPBS, Voice of San Diego, Media Arts Center, and The AjA Project for carrying out this project over the last 10 years.

  • Little Saigon Must Remain Part of City Heights

    Little Saigon Must Remain Part of City Heights

    After a decade and a new census, San Diego is changing the lines of its city districts. Now, more than ever, neighborhoods need to stand united in voicing their values, priorities and the needs for representation to their elected officials. When they are separated and divided, their collective power is diluted and their community interests…

  • The Heart of City Heights

    The Heart of City Heights

    Community-based centers and organizations create stable, safe places for youth and community members to feel connected. Many of these spaces and places provide education and literacy programs, as well as services that support youth in developing leadership and communication skills. They also provide opportunities for youth to voice their own opinions without feeling doubtful or…

  • Our City Heights

    Our City Heights

    What does City Heights look like, feel like, taste like, and smell like? The food (in City Heights) is very unique. City Heights has a lot of restaurants, but at the same time, it has good food from all over the world. You can smell different types of food from each block – from Ethiopian…

  • Communities Shape Lives

    Communities Shape Lives

    Each and every individual is made up of so many different factors, it is nearly impossible to try and name them all. All of these experiences, upbringings, memories, etc. make us unique, and who we are. It is not just the mental, spiritual, and emotional qualities, or the inner features that make us who we…