Tag: Burmese

  • Karen Youth Weave Together Home and Identity: Photos

    “My mum would teach me how to weave, and I get it the first time. But it is really hard to put the loop in place. I never get that right. And now that we (are) in America I thought I would never continue doing, but now I learn more about weave. Even though I…

  • Tweet City Heights: More on CalWorks and Help for Mixed-Status Families

    By Megan Burks The Fallout From Brown’s Proposed Welfare Cuts This week, we took a look at how Gov. Jerry Brown’s state budget proposal may impact City Heights residents. The proposal calls for deep cuts to CalWorks, a welfare-to-work program many families in the neighborhood rely on. HealthyCal.org published a good explainer on the proposal…

  • A Refugee’s Silent Journey, Revisited

    At a coffee shop in Mission Valley, Har Sin, a 25-year-old refugee from Burma, practices his sign language with friends. Har Sin, who is deaf, had no way to formally communicate before coming to the United States in 2008. | Photo Credit: Sam Hodgson By Adrian Florido The young man from Burma stepped onto the…

  • Photo Feature: Your Neighbor, the Refugee, Celebrated

    Photo Credit: Sam Hodgson By Sam Hodgson I had the honor of presenting a photo essay at the Museum of Photographic Arts to help commemorate World Refugee Day Sunday. I presented images from the project we completed last year about Har Sin, a refugee from Burma who is deaf and learning formal communication for the…